Your local fire safety regulations

Most countries have developed specific legislation to guarantee the fire-safe construction of large buildings. We see it as our role to know, understand and monitor the regulations in your country, so you can be sure to do the right thing.

Blok pozadina koja se sastoji iz tri horizontalna pravougaonika, od kojih je središnji, najširi, bele boje a druga dva crne.

1. We know your regulations

Pogled na dva nivoa moderno dizajnirane biblioteke koji su povezani dijagonalnim stepeništem i čije su police pune knjiga.
1. We know your regulations

The world of construction is changing rapidly. New building techniques and materials create new possibilities for architects and engineers to explore new territory. At Promat, we can give you all the technical support to make sure that your innovative design complies with the legal requirements. Our technical sales teams have studied the building and testing regulations in detail and help you to make the right choices in systems and products. Peace of mind comes as a bonus.

Blok pozadina koja se sastoji od tri horizontalna dela od kojih je srednji (najširiji) beli a gornji i donji su crni

2. We understand your regulations

Radnik na gradilištu odeven u fluorescentni narandžasti prsluk proučava nacrte položene pored belog šlema na drvenim gredama.
2. We understand your regulations

Every new building project is unique. Although your local fire safety regulations are meant to cover the majority of buildings, it often pays off to study your regulations in depth to find the most efficient passive fire protection for your project. A good understanding of what is exactly required will save you time and money. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact your local technical sales team. They can tell you excactly what is needed to collect the right documents and certificates and start building.

Blok pozadina koja se sastoji iz tri horizontalna pravougaonika, od kojih je središnji, najširi, bele boje a druga dva crne.

3. We monitor your regulations

Vatrogasac na merdevinama gasi požar koji bukti na krovu stambenog objekta vodom iz vatrogasnog creva dok se tamni dim diže.
3. We monitor your regulations

Fire safety regulations change at the speed of light. New building techniques or dramatic fire incidents create a need for new legislation that will have an impact on the way you design your passive fire protection plan. Our technical experts constantly monitor the changes and study their impact on the certificates and classification reports of our systems. When needed, they set up new fire tests to make sure our products and systems comply with the latest standards.   

How can Promat help you?

For each step in your Passive Fire Protection Plan, you need a reliable assessment of the risks and the right systems to protect your building. Promat can help you achieve the best result with Fire Safety Engineering and Certified Products.

Call the experts

Call centar u kome nasmejani i uredni agenti u belim košuljama i sa slušalicama sa mikrofonom pružaju uslugu tehničke podrške
Call the experts

Our technical support team will be able to answer all your questions, including the tough ones. Put us to the test.

Our projects

Slika prikazuje modernu arhitekturu objekta čiji je gornji deo zastakljen a krov talasast, a donji deo napravljen iz blokova.
Our projects

We have been protecting amazing buildings all over the world. Discover some of our inspiring projects here.

Get the right certificates

Proizvodni sektor u kome se vrši ispitivanje protivpožarnih svojstava sa namenskom kabinom iza žutih čeličnih konstrukcija.
Get the right certificates

Collect all the right certificates and test reports you need to make your design fully comply with your local regulations.

Tehnička podrška kompanije Promat

Javite se našem timu za tehničku podršku ako imate pitanja u vezi sa rešenjima za pasivnu protivpožarnu zaštitu, našim proizvodima i sistemima ili vam treba savet za ugradnju...

Tehnička dokumentacija

Pronađite listove sa podacima o proizvodima, brošure o sistemima, deklaracije o performansama, uputstva za ugradnju i druge dokumente koji Vam trebaju da biste obavili posao. 

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