Your Passive Fire Protection Plan

Are you building a roadtunnel, train tunnel or metrotunnel? For every type of large-scale underground structure you design, you will need to include a passive fire protection plan to protect it against fire. A complete passive fire protection plan, consists of 4 key building blocks:



Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Desni del je kvadraten in bele barve, levi del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

1. Fire escape route

1. Fire escape route
1. Fire escape route

Allow people enough time to react and evacuate

The escape route needs extra attention to guarantee a successful evacuation of all the people inside. Studies show that the actual time needed to evacuate a tunnel after a fire alarm might be longer than you would expect. This is why it is important that the escape route can resist the fire can withstand high temperatures for much longer, independently from the rest of the tunnel. 

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

2. Compartmentation & fire stopping

Inženir v rumeni odbojni jakni stoji v tunelu požarnega sektorja.
2. Compartmentation & fire stopping

Prevent the fire from spreading through the building

If a fire can be contained within a closed compartment within the building, people can safely evacuate and fire fighters can extinguish the fire. Compartmentation is therefore one of the key elements in passive fire protection. Make sure walls, ceiling and floor will withstand fire and integrate fire resistant doors and all the necessary fire stopping solutions to prevent the fire from spreading through the building.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Desni del je kvadraten in bele barve, levi del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

3. Smoke extraction and ventilation ducts

3. Smoke extraction and ventilation ducts
3. Smoke extraction and ventilation ducts

Get rid of smoke and slow down the development of fire

Smoke is often the main reason why people become victim of fire. When smoke and toxic gasses fill the space, it reduces not only the visibility, but also the amount of breathable air and leads to suffocation. Smoke is also a main factor in the spreading of fire. This is why a ducting system for smoke extraction is a key factor in your protection design. 

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

4. Structural protection

4. Structural protection
4. Structural protection

Avoid the collapse of the loadbearing structure of the building 

Once a building is on fire, the loadbearing structure can deteriorate and collapse. Structural protection safeguards the loadbearing structures (steel, concrete, timber, composite or others) in such a way that they will withstand high temperatures and maintain their load bearing capabilities. When a building is saved during a fire and is fit for repair and re-use, it is  due to an efficient and well tested structural protection solution.

How can Promat help you?

With each step in your Passive Fire Protection Plan, you will need a reliable assessment of the risks and the right systems to protect your building. Promat can help you to understand your local regulations and to choose the right solutions with all the documents required.

Fire Safety Regulations

Notranjost knjižnice z belo konstrukcijo in belimi stopnicami, ki gredo diagonalno v zgornje nadstropje, na njih stoji oseba. V ozadju so knjige.
Fire Safety Regulations

A Passive Fire Protection Plan starts with a clear understanding of the legal requirements. We constantly monitor and analyse your local fire safety regulations and help you to write your technical report with all the documents you need to comply.

Get the right documents

Slika jeklene konstrukcije rumene barve, med katero je manjši prazen prostor s cevmi. Vse to služi za preizkušanje požarnih sistemov v realnih razmerah.
Get the right documents

Collect all the right certificates and classification reports you need to make your design fully comply with your local regulations.

Call the experts

Pet oseb iz tehnične podpore, oblečenih v belo, sedi za temnimi računalniškimi zasloni s slušalkami na glavi in se smeji.
Call the experts

Our technical support team will be able to the answer all your questions, including the tough ones. Put us to the test.


Tri osebe iz tehnične podpore, oblečene v belo, sedijo za računalniškimi zasloni s slušalkami na glavi in odgovarjajo na vprašanja.

Tehnična podpora Promat

Obrnite se na naš tehnični svetovalni oddelek za vprašanja o pasivnih požarno zaščitnih rešitvah, naših proizvodih in konstrukcijah ali nasvetu za namestitev.

Na desni strani slike je roka, ki lista po priročniku za projekte, na levi strani pa je slika prazna in bele barve.

Tehnični dokumenti

Najdite tehnične liste, priročnike, izjave o lastnostih, navodila in druge dokumente, ki vam bodo pomagali pri vaših projektih.

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Preizkušene in certificirane rešitve

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