Our BIM Solutions

The transition from a traditional to a BIM based method to design, build and maintain a building is not an easy task. When you need a BIM solution for your upcoming project, you can call upon our BIM experts to offer you a customised solution to make sure our fire protection systems are integrated into your BIM design, just like you want it.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Desni del je kvadraten in bele barve, levi del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

Promat BIM objects

Promat BIM objects
Promat BIM objects

We offer you, through the bimobject® platform, our BIM objects relating to our vertical and horizontal ventilation and smoke extraction duct systems as well as cable protection, in REVIT, ARCHICAD and IFC formats.

Further resources

Learn more about how Promat offers you BIM objects and customised traning to step into the world of BIM.

Promat BIM objects

Promat BIM objects
Promat BIM objects

Our library of passive fire protection objects delivered via the bimobject® platform.

BIM Training & Resources

BIM Training & Resources
BIM Training & Resources

Discover out BIM video tutorials and our special BIM training offer. Together, we can use BIM to improve our collaboration and optimise the passive fire protection process.

Call the experts

Pet oseb iz tehnične podpore, oblečenih v belo, sedi za temnimi računalniškimi zasloni s slušalkami na glavi in se smeji.
Call the experts

Our technical support team will be able to the answer all your questions, including the tough ones. Put us to the test.

Podpora Promat

Napis Promat nad fotografijo industrijskega obrata z paleto belih požarnih plošč.
Podpora Promat

Potrebujete dodatno pomoč pri vašem projektu?

Obrnite se na naše lokalne strokovnjake za požarno varnost in poiščite najboljšo rešitev za izpolnitev zakonskih zahtev glede požarne zaščite.

Tri osebe iz tehnične podpore, oblečene v belo, sedijo za računalniškimi zasloni s slušalkami na glavi in odgovarjajo na vprašanja.

Tehnična podpora Promat

Obrnite se na naš tehnični svetovalni oddelek za vprašanja o pasivnih požarno zaščitnih rešitvah, naših proizvodih in konstrukcijah ali nasvetu za namestitev.

Na desni strani slike je roka, ki lista po priročniku za projekte, na levi strani pa je slika prazna in bele barve.

Tehnični dokumenti

Najdite tehnične liste, priročnike, izjave o lastnostih, navodila in druge dokumente, ki vam bodo pomagali pri vaših projektih.

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