Our expertise

60 years of hard work and dedication have given Promat a lead in the domain of passive fire protection. We have developed unique ways to design our products, test them in real life conditions and to predict their behaviour in the event of fire.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

1. Promaxon® technology

Štirje raziskovalci v belih haljah v svetlem raziskovalnem laboratoriju preučujejo in gledajo v aparature, v ospredju je veliko epruvet.
1. Promaxon® technology

Our Promaxon® technology explains the unique qualities of our Promatect Fire boards.  We have selected and processed the raw materials until we have discovered a unique, patented formula. Through our exclusive engineered mineral matrix structure, PROMAXON® creates a unique, cotrolled small pore size calcium silicate mix with amasing qualities.  This allows us to develop boards with excatly the right density and stability they need to withstand extreme heat conditions. 

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Desni del je kvadraten in bele barve, levi del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

2. Promat Fire Testing methods

Slika zgornjega dela hodnika in ognjeni zublji, na stropu je zelen napis za izhod v sili, na desni strani slike pa naprava za zaznavo dima.
2. Promat Fire Testing methods

At the Promat Research and Technology Center, we perform more than 200 fire tests a year to guarantee our products and systems will comply with the most stringent international standards and regulations. Our fire test lab methods go beyond what is regulatory demanded and replicate the real-life context where our products can be installed. When a Promat product passes the fire test, it gets an official certificate that guarantees supreme performance.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

3. Promat fire safety engineering

Arhitekt v pisarni drži v roki model steklene stavbe in jo proučuje, pred njim pa je postavljen model dreves.
3. Promat fire safety engineering

Our fire safety engineers have developed a revolutionary new approach, called performance based fire safety design. This new method not only complies with the protective measures as prescribed in fire safety regulations, it explains why the measures are needed. The fire safety engineer delivers an exact risk assessment through the combination of detailed calulations and supportive fire test reports. The technical fire protection report delivers the calculated proof that the building has all the protection installed to offer its designer full peace of mind.

Learn More About Promat

Learn more about the way we develop, design and produce innovative products and solutions, so you can protect what really matters.

Our History

Dva bela kataloga, na katerih je napis Promat desno zgoraj, z rdečo ikono ognja, na naslovni sliki levega kataloga so kvadratni rdeče modri liki, na desnem katalogu je za naslovno sliko bela požarna plošča z modrim ozadjem.
Our History

Discover how Promat became the global leader in passive fire protection.

Our People

Inženir v oranžnem odbojnem brezrokavniku sedi pri lesenih tramovih in zamišljeno gleda v načrt in prenosni računalnik pred seboj.
Our People

Meet the people who help you to protect people and buildings against fire. 

Our mission

Ženska oseba na sliki v modri majici sedi za mizo in gleda v papirje, pred njo so prenosni računalnik bele barve in beli zvitki papirjev.
Our mission

We want to make the world safer, healthier and more sustainable for the generations of today and tomorrow. 

Tri osebe iz tehnične podpore, oblečene v belo, sedijo za računalniškimi zasloni s slušalkami na glavi in odgovarjajo na vprašanja.

Tehnična podpora Promat

Obrnite se na naš tehnični svetovalni oddelek za vprašanja o pasivnih požarno zaščitnih rešitvah, naših proizvodih in konstrukcijah ali nasvetu za namestitev.

Na desni strani slike je roka, ki lista po priročniku za projekte, na levi strani pa je slika prazna in bele barve.

Tehnični dokumenti

Najdite tehnične liste, priročnike, izjave o lastnostih, navodila in druge dokumente, ki vam bodo pomagali pri vaših projektih.

60 let strokovnega znanja

Preizkušene in certificirane rešitve

Globalna storitvena mreža