Promat Selector




Fire Stopping made easy

Fire Stopping made easy

Fire Stopping made easy

Forget those heavy catalogues and handbooks. With the free Selector app, Promat brings you the easiest and most reliable way to choose and install the perfect fire stopping solution. Download it here and make your life so much easier.


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easy to use
Tested & Certified Solutions
step by step installation
Promat Selector app was specially designed to help you find the best solution in no time. Just select your type of project and find the fire stopping product you need. 


Selector thinks just like you: logical. We start from the type of partition you deal with and let you choose from a range of possible penetrations to select the right fire stopping product.
Promat is the leader in passive fire protection. This app will select products that are fully tested and approved. They come with all the documents for a certified fire stopping solution.


It's so easy

It's so easy

It's so easy

Watch our video and discover how Selector makes your life so much easier. Whatever the fire protection task in front of you, we guide you with some simple steps to the right solution. 

- Discover the product you need in 6 steps

- Get all the legal documents you need

- Deliver a perfect job with our installation guide

Download for free

Download for free

Download for free

Promat Selector is our free service for installers and engineers. We help you to comply with your local fire safety requirements and offer you the right product at the right place. Donwload, try it and send us your feedback.

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Suporte Técnico Promat

Fale com nossa equipe técnico sobre soluções de proteção passiva contra incêndio, produtos e sistemas ou conselhos de instalação ...

Material técnico

Encontre fichas de produto, folhetos do sistema, declarações de desempenho, manuais de instalação e outros documentos necessários para realizar o trabalho.

60 anos de experiência

Soluções testadas e certificadas

Rede Global de Serviços