The Reporter app puts all your installations on the map.

Fire stopping is as good as its installation. With the free Promat Reporter app, you can now link every installation to the floorplan and generate a full report for the contractor, architect or building owner.  Keep an overview of the works from behind your desk, connect with the installers on the job site and deliver a 100% reliable proof of a job well done.

Please enter your details to download the app for free.

Simplify reporting on-site
Maintain an overview
Create, edit and share projects
Everything in one place

How the Reporter makes your life easier

How the Reporter makes your life easier

  1. Install the Reporter app on your desktop computer

  2. Upload the floorplans of your project 

  3. Invite installers to upload the mobile version 

  4. Collect all installations with pictures and product specifications

  5. Create a full report with all the legal documents required

  6. Surprise your customer with a complete report