The world according to BIM

BIM radically improves the quality and speed of the building process by boosting the collaboratiuon between building partners. This innovation helps all parties to save time and avoid expensive mistakes.


Slika pravokutnika na crnoj pozadini koji je jednu trećine bijele boje na lijevoj strani a dvije trećine svjetloplave boje na desnoj strani.

Why we all need BIM

Radnik sjedi na gradilištu sa laptopom u krilu i otvorenom aplikacijom na zaslonu.
Why we all need BIM

BIM offers architects, engineers, contractors and installers a great tool and consultants to maximize their time on the building and save a lot of money by preventing mistakes and the resulting conflicts.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) starts with the creation of an intelligent 3D model that serves as a platform for all building partners to share documents and coordinate the works during the entire lifecycle of a project.

As passive fire protection is a crucial element in the design of a safe and healthy building, Promat offers architects and engineers the BIM-objects they need to integrate their fire safety plan into their BIM design. This process not only prevents errors, it also offers all the information to the owner of the building for maintenance and repair.


Slika pravokutnika na crnoj pozadini koji je jednu trećine bijele boje na desnoj strani a dvije trećine svjetloplave boje na lijevoj strani.

Fire Protection and BIM

3D nacrt zgrade na više katova.
Fire Protection and BIM

We believe passive fire protection should be fully integrated in a BIM design of a building. If the list of Promat systems and solutions is already included by architects or engineers in the BIM design, all partners in the complex building project can access the information they need at each step of the process. This allows contractors and installers to plan ahead and make sure they have all the materials and tools to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Whenever plans are changed, all building partners are informed simultaneously and can adapt their task to make sure the project is delivered in time at the highest quality.

What is the process of BIM?

What is the process of BIM?

The process of BIM supports the creation of intelligent data that can be used throughout the lifecycle of a building or infrastructure project.



Inform project planning by combining reality capture and real-world data to generate context models of the existing built and natural environment.



During this phase, conceptual design, analysis, detailing and documentation are performed. The preconstruction process begins using BIM data to inform scheduling and logistics.



During this phase, fabrication begins using BIM specifications. Project construction logistics are shared with trades and contractors to ensure optimum timing and efficiency.



BIM data carries over to operations and maintenance of finished assets. BIM data can be used down the road for cost-effective renovation or efficient deconstruction too.

Slika pravokutnika na crnoj pozadini koji je jednu trećine bijele boje na lijevoj strani a dvije trećine svjetloplave boje na desnoj strani.

Why is BIM important?

Na slici se nalazi uvećani dio globusa zemlje na kojem je prikazan dio Afrike i Azije.
Why is BIM important?

According to the UN, the world's population will be 9.7 billion by the year 2050. So the construction must look to smarter, more efficient ways to design and build not just as a means to keep up with global demand but to help create spaces that are smarter and more resilient too.

BIM not only allows design and construction teams to work more efficiently, but it allows them to capture the data they create during the process to benefit operations and maintenance activities. 

Further resources

Learn more about Promat's BIM tools, training and solutions.

Promat BIM objects

Promat BIM objects
Promat BIM objects

A library of useful objects delivered via the bimobject® platform.

BIM Training & Resources

BIM Training & Resources
BIM Training & Resources

Find more about the range of training Promat can offer, including video tutorials.

Call the experts

Na slici su nasmješeni djelatnici u call centru koji sjede ispred računala. Fokus slike je na jednog djelatnika koji ima mikrofon na glavi i ruke na tipkovnici računala.
Call the experts

Our technical support team will be able to the answer all your questions, including the tough ones. Put us to the test.

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