Our social commitment

At Promat, we actively engage to make the world safer, healthier and more sustainable for everyone.

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We help build hospitals, schools and public buildings that will protect everyone

We help build hospitals, schools and public buildings that will protect everyone
We help build hospitals, schools and public buildings that will protect everyone

Our focus on the ultimate in passive fire protection has led to solutions that protect the most vulnerable people in our society. When a hospital catches fire, the staff needs enough time to evacuate patients and save lives. When a school, library or shopping mall catch fire, our passive fire protection solutions offer a safe escape route and allow fire fighters to intervene.

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We offer young engineers the opportunity to become Fire Safety experts.

We offer young engineers the opportunity to become Fire Safety experts.
We offer young engineers the opportunity to become Fire Safety experts.

We invite students and trainees from all over the world to learn from the most knowledgeable experts in our field. We offer young engineers the opportunity to attain a master in fire safety engineering via a unique program, supported by a global network of universities.


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We propose new regulations to make buildings safer

We  propose new regulations to make buildings safer
We propose new regulations to make buildings safer

Etex is a very active member of a range of associations, concerned with fire safety in the world of construction.  As Promat has co-built the actual regulatory framework for passive fire protection, we gladly provide our all our know-how and expertise to policy makers all over the world. We help to keep the safety standards intact and we deliver solutions to keep the new world of lightweight construction safe.

Get to know us better

Learn more about the way we develop, design and produce innovative products and solutions, so you can protect what really matters.

Our People

Our People
Our People

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Our Expertise

Our Expertise
Our Expertise

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Assistance Technique Promat Expert

Assistance Promat Expert

Une équipe d'ingénieurs dynamiques & spécialisés en protection passive contre l'incendie à votre écoute, pour répondre à toutes vos questions & demandes techniques.

Promat  - Documentation technique

Documentations Techniques

Brochures systèmes, Fiches techniques produits, CCTP…
Toute la documentation pour répondre à vos questions techniques sur la protection feu.

60 ans d'expertise

Solutions testées & certifiées

Une marque internationale