Calcium silicates boards from Promat

Calcium silicates boards from Promat

When we enter into a partnership, we leave nothing to chance. Here is what you can expect from us:


Plus de 60 ans d'expérience


Gamme complète de produits éprouvés


Conseils techniques et commerciaux d'experts


Services dédiés à chaque étape du projet


Flexibilité de conception améliorée


Calcium silicate for fire protection

Promat Promatect Calcium Silicate board  for passive fire protection

Calcium silicate for fire protection

Calcium silicate materials from Promat can perfectly combine thermal insulation, fire protection and acoustic insulation. They are used to protect timber, concrete or steel structures, or as self-supporting components such as partition walls, ceilings, and ductworks. Finished with an aesthetic covering, they are an all-in-one architectural element, enabling fast building and saving space. 

Promat’s calcium silicate materials are entirely safe, easy to ship, store, handle and install, which makes them the material of choice for planners, architects and applicators.

Calcium silicate insulation - thermal and mechanical performance

Promat Promasil Calcium Silicate board  for high temperature insulation

Calcium silicate insulation - thermal and mechanical performance

Promat’s calcium silicate materials for high temperature insulation cover the complete range of low, medium and high density and compound insulation boards. They offer a very low thermal conductivity and excellent structural support, and are resistant to moisture and chemicals. Due to their minimal thermal shrinkage they have an extended service life without loss of performance.

The excellent structural integrity of our calcium silicates makes them easily machinable and even enables the machining of complex structures. Moreover, they are easy and safe to handle, install and maintain, and can be used for new constructions as well as retrofits.

Benefits of our calcium silicate products

Promat Promatect Calcium Silicate board  for passive fire protection

Benefits of our calcium silicate products

  • Very low thermal conductivity
  • High thermal resistance and stability up to 1,100°C
  • Very stable mechanical integrity
  • Low shrinkage (less than 2%)
  • Non-combustible
  • Protects against corrosion
  • Impact resistant
  • Moisture resistant
  • Environmentally friendly and safe
  • Compliant with international fire protection standards
  • Suitable for complex 2D and 3D shapes
  • Low or no maintenance

Services en atelier

Services en atelier

Services en atelier

Si vous vous lancez dans un projet de protection incendie complexe, nos ateliers sont en mesure d’usiner ou de manipuler notre gamme complète de produits pour répondre à toutes les spécifications. Nos ateliers proposent le routage et la découpe CNC, la découpe au jet d’eau et au laser, le revêtement, la mise sous film rétractable, le thermoscellage sous vide, la découpe et l’estampage de composites et la manipulation.