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Reduce the energy needed for comfort ventilation by 90%

Reduce the energy needed for comfort ventilation by 90%

Reduce the energy needed for comfort ventilation by 90%

This is your chance to make a big step forward in sustainable construction. Simplify your building design by using only one ducting channel for both ventilation and smoke extraction.
COMBI-PROMADUCT® brings you the best of both worlds: comfort ventilation that needs 90% less fan energy + a fire rated smoke extraction system that will guarantee a safe escape in case of fire. Offer your client the ultimate in peace of mind with a sustainable solution that will save tons of carbon and money, year after year.

With COMBI-PROMDUCT® you now can limit the amount of ducts in your building.

With COMBI-PROMDUCT® you now can limit the amount of ducts in your building.

In normal conditions:

  • 1 duct brings in fresh air into the building
  • 1 duct evacuates the used air 
In case of fire:
  • 1 duct becomes a smoke extraction duct
  • 1 duct brings in fresh air to avoid underpressure

Contact your Promat expert

Ready to study and design the innovative COMBI-PROMADUCT system? We are here to help. Fill the form to contact your local Promat expert and share the plans for your next building project. We will study your design and help you to specify a combined ducting system that will save a lot of building space and will reduce your carbon footprint. 


3 good reasons to choose COMBI-PROMADUCT


Facile à utiliser

L'application Promat Selector a été spécialement conçue pour vous aider à trouver la meilleure solution en un rien de temps. Sélectionnez simplement votre type de projet et trouvez le produit coupe-feu dont vous avez besoin.


Testés et certifiés Systèmes

Selector pense comme vous : logique. Nous partons du type de cloison que vous traitez et vous laissons choisir parmi une gamme de pénétrations possibles pour sélectionner le bon produit coupe-feu.


Installation étape par étape

Promat est le leader de la protection incendie passive. Cette application sélectionnera des produits entièrement testés et approuvés. Ils sont livrés avec tous les documents pour une solution coupe feu certifiée.


How the system was developed

Discover the university research behind the COMBI- PROMADUCT®

How the system protects our heritage

Meet the team that protects the Pergamon Museum in Berlin