Your Project

We help you at every step of the design process to make sure your solution for passive fire protection  complies with all the legal requirements in your market and is ready to protect people, buildings and assets. 

Know your regulations

Know your regulations
Know your regulations

We bring you an overview of the relevant fire safety regulations for buildings in your country. Whatever your project, we have the answer.

Design your Fire Protection Plan

Design your Fire Protection Plan
Design your Fire Protection Plan

Are you building an immersed tunnel, a cut and cover section, a TBM-tunnel? For every type of tunnel you are designing, you will need to include a passive fire protection plan to protect it against fire.

Get the right documents

Get the right documents
Get the right documents

Collect all the right declarations  of performance  (DOP's), certificates or classification reports you need to make your design fully comply with your local fire regulations.

Our Markets

60 years of expertise in passive fire protection and high performance insulation has led to the development of technologies and high-quality products that are used in a wide range of industries.



Large scale building projects need specific fire protection solutions for structural protection, compartmentation, fire stopping, ventilation & smoke extraction. Promat offers a complete solution that saves lives and valuable assets.



Tunnels need to be able to withstand extreme high temperatures. We developed special boards and sprays that not only protect the tunnel investment but also keep it maintenance-free for years to come. Learn more about our global tunnel business here.



We help industry to develop safe products and produce them in a more sustainable way. We develop customized solutions in fireproofing, thermal and acoustic insulation which are used by a wide range of industries.

Promat abi

Promat abi
Promat abi

Kas vajate abi parima tulekaitse lahenduse leidmisel?

Parima lahenduse saamiseks, mis vastab kõigile tulekaitse seadustele, pöörduge oma riigi Promati tulekaitse eksperdi poole.

Promat tehniline tugi

Uurige meie tehnilise toe meeskonnalt passiivsete tulekaitselahenduste, toodete ja süsteemide kohta, küsige nõu nende paigaldamise kohta ...

Tehnilised dokumendid

Siit leiate toodete tehnilisi andmelehtesid, süsteemivoldikuid, toimivusdeklaratsioone, paigaldusjuhiseid ja muid dokumente, mida võite oma idee elluviimiseks vajada.

Kogemus 60 aastat

Testitud ja sertifitseeritud lahendused

Ülemaailmne teenindusvõrk