Our History

Promat’s story began in Germany in 1958. The company gradually expanded its market to all of Europe, and today Promat is part of the Etex Group which is present in over 40 countries.

For more than 60 years, we have been designing, testing and manufacturing products and systems dedicated to Passive Fire Protection and high-end thermal insulation. This heritage of constant innovation has delivered Promat the status of premium brand within its category.

Learn More About Promat

Learn more about the way we develop, design and produce innovative products and solutions, so you can protect what really matters.

Our History

Our History
Our History


Our People

Our People
Our People

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Our Expertise

Our Expertise
Our Expertise

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Promat tehniline tugi

Uurige meie tehnilise toe meeskonnalt passiivsete tulekaitselahenduste, toodete ja süsteemide kohta, küsige nõu nende paigaldamise kohta ...

Tehnilised dokumendid

Siit leiate toodete tehnilisi andmelehtesid, süsteemivoldikuid, toimivusdeklaratsioone, paigaldusjuhiseid ja muid dokumente, mida võite oma idee elluviimiseks vajada.

Kogemus 60 aastat

Testitud ja sertifitseeritud lahendused

Ülemaailmne teenindusvõrk