Value Added Services

Pioneering excellence through workshop and testing laboratory services

Discover Promat's value added service, where our decades of expertise shine through our Workshop and Laboratory Testing Services. With over 60 years of experience, we offer a certified range of materials and solutions for fire protection and thermal insulation challenges, ensuring we find the right answer for your project at every stage. Our Testing Laboratory Services extend our commitment to pioneering excellence, providing a worldwide presence and a comprehensive suite of testing capabilities against international standards. Partner with us to innovate and complete your solutions with confidence.

¿Por qué elegir los silicatos de calcio de Promat?

¿Por qué elegir los silicatos de calcio de Promat?

Cuando nos comprometemos con un socio, no dejamos nada al azar. Usted podrá acceder a:


Más de 60 años de experiencia


Una gama completa de productos de calidad comprobada


Asesoramiento técnico y comercial de la mano de expertos


Servicios especializados para todas las etapas de su proyecto


Una mayor flexibilidad de diseño


Workshop Services

On top of our extensive range of products, we offer a wide range of manufacturing services in our workshops across the world, as well as through our established network of suppliers.

Test Laboratory Services

Our testing laboratory facility is leading product Innovation and systems. We offer laboratory test around the world. our mission is to innovate products, systems, services and technologies in order to complete the solutions offered to our customers and our customers ‘customers

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