¿Por qué elegir los materiales microporosos de Promat?

¿Por qué elegir los materiales microporosos de Promat?

Cuando nos comprometemos con un socio, no dejamos nada al azar. Usted podrá acceder a:


Más de 60 años de experiencia


Una gama completa de productos de calidad comprobada


Asesoramiento técnico y comercial de la mano de expertos


Servicios especializados para todas las etapas de su proyecto


Una mayor flexibilidad de diseño


Microporous insulation for high temperature insulation

Microporous insulation for high temperature insulation

Microporous insulation for high temperature insulation

Microporous materials from Promat are the most effective thermal insulation you will find. They enable you to maximise thermal efficiency and process control. When properly installed in accordance with our guidelines and used for the right application temperature, our microporous insulation remains stable and doesn’t degrade over time, even when exposed to vibration or humidity.

Compared to traditional insulation our microporous materials reduce the insulation lining thickness by a factor of four or more. The limited thickness and weight of our materials also holds many benefits in terms of transport, storage, handling and installation time.

Microporous for passive fire protection

Microporous Promat Promaguard passive fire protection panel

Microporous for passive fire protection

Microporous materials from Promat offer great benefits and are the ideal combination of thermal insulation and fire protection. When properly installed in accordance with our guidelines and used for the right application temperature, our microporous fire protection materials remain stable and don’t degrade over time, even when exposed to vibration or humidity.

Moreover, our thin and lightweight materials are easy to ship, store, handle and install, which makes them the material of choice for installers.

Benefits of Promat's microporous materials

Benefits of Promat's microporous materials

Benefits of Promat's microporous materials

  • Extremely low thermal conductivity
  • High thermal resistance and stability
  • Most effective insulation up to 1,200°C
  • A1 Non-combustible according to EN13501 
  • Thin and lightweight
  • Shock and vibration resistant
  • Low shrinkage
  • Environmentally friendly and free of organic binders
  • Resistant to most chemicals
  • No harmful respirable fibres
  • Suitable for complex 2D and 3D shapes
  • Easy to shape, handle and install
  • Protect against all kind of heat transfer

Servicios de taller

Servicios de taller

Servicios de taller

En el caso de proyectos complejos de protección contra incendios, podemos mecanizar o manipular toda nuestra gama de productos en nuestros talleres para cumplir con las especificaciones requeridas. Nuestros talleres internos ofrecen servicios de corte y mecanizado con router de control numérico computarizado (CNC), corte por chorro de agua y láser, recubrimiento, retractilado, sellado térmico al vacío, corte y estampado de laminados y manipulación.