Enhancing Battery Storage Safety with Promat’s Fire Protection Solutions: A Doorveen Testimonial
Enhancing Battery Storage Safety with Promat’s Fire Protection Solutions: A Doorveen Testimonial
At Doorveen, we specialize in the safe storage of hazardous products, with a strong focus on Lithium-ion battery storage in the recycling industry. As safety regulations in the Netherlands and abroad have evolved, ensuring compliance with fire resistance standards has become a key priority for our team. Promat's passive fire protection materials have been instrumental in helping us meet these requirements efficiently.
InterDam & Promat: A collaborative milestone in tunnel safety
InterDam & Promat: A collaborative milestone in tunnel safety
InterDam is a major supplier of blast and passive fire protection products for the global industry, principally walls, doors and window systems. InterDam has experience of providing products in fire resistant classes according to international tunnel Standards RWS / HCM / ISO 834. InterDam is well versed in the key difference between tunnel doors and most other types of fire resistant doors: Tunnel doors are escape doors and are only used in case of an emergency. Rigorous testing, use of the best materials, proper dimensioning of all materials and regular maintenance assures the door functions as specified. Get the people to safety and keep the fire out. Always. Guaranteed.
Electric Arc Furnaces (Eaf) Engaged in Sustainability and Green Steelmaking Transformation
Electric Arc Furnaces (Eaf) Engaged in Sustainability and Green Steelmaking Transformation
Steel production, nowadays, takes revolutionary steps towards the „greener future “. In the traditional approach, the journey begins with iron ore and coal, with the former being transformed into pig iron in blast furnaces, and the latter turned into coke in coke oven batteries. This is followed by melting in Basic Oxygen Furnaces (BOFs), a process known for its high energy consumption and substantial carbon emissions. To address these issues, there is a growing shift towards Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs) in steelmaking.
How to use EPDs for sustainability reporting
How to use EPDs for sustainability reporting
Unlock valuable insights on product environmental impact with EPDs. Discover detailed lifecycle data, including carbon footprint, energy consumption, water usage, and circularity performance. Empower your company with powerful environmental knowledge.
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII re-affirms its suitability for Modular Fire Proofing Projects after passing demanding durability test for sea transportation of fire proofed modules. At the request of global EPC Samsung Engineering Co.,Ltd Promat FENDOLITE® MII has been subjected to rigorous testing designed to simulate the ordeal of transporting modules from the steel fabricator to the construction site no matter where that might be in the world.
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII re-affirms its suitability for Modular Fire Proofing Projects after passing demanding durability test for sea transportation of fire proofed modules. At the request of global EPC Samsung Engineering Co.,Ltd Promat FENDOLITE® MII has been subjected to rigorous testing designed to simulate the ordeal of transporting modules from the steel fabricator to the construction site no matter where that might be in the world.
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII Durability Test for Sea Transportation of Fire Proofed Modules
Promat FENDOLITE® MII re-affirms its suitability for Modular Fire Proofing Projects after passing demanding durability test for sea transportation of fire proofed modules. At the request of global EPC Samsung Engineering Co.,Ltd Promat FENDOLITE® MII has been subjected to rigorous testing designed to simulate the ordeal of transporting modules from the steel fabricator to the construction site no matter where that might be in the world.
Etex publishes second Sustainability Report
Etex publishes second Sustainability Report
To face our world’s critical needs for sustainable and qualitative living spaces, global building material manufacturer and pioneer in lightweight construction Etex further pledges to be an agent of change in the sustainable building sector. Next to its intrinsically sustainable portfolio, Etex is doing more by setting clear ambitions for the next eight years across five priority areas: health, safety and well-being; decarbonisation; circularity; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and customer engagement.
New solar panels installed on roof of Filago plant
New solar panels installed on roof of Filago plant
As part of the Etex Group, Promat is investing more and more in sustainable technologies to reduce our impact on the environment and the climate. One such investment was the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Promat factory in Filago, Italy in the spring of this year. The panels cover a total area of about 3,170 m² and will produce up to 818,856 kWh of solar energy per year.
Promat, a reliable partner for the battery recycling market
Promat, a reliable partner for the battery recycling market
Promat offers extensive experience and a wide range of insulation and fire protection products that can be adapted to meet the needs of the battery market. The company devotes significant resources to understanding the risks associated with the batteries so that, in partnership with industry, it can find solutions to support the growing battery market.
Promat supports ocean cleanup with donation to Wings of the Ocean
Promat supports ocean cleanup with donation to Wings of the Ocean
Wings of the Ocean – the non-profit association that owns the Kraken – has recently taken delivery of over 70 PLURATECT® MARINE LIGHT bonded boards as part of a major refit of their 42 meter vessel. “It’s a really big contribution”, says Julie Baudillon, the Executive Director of Wings of the Ocean. “Commercial donations are very important for us, as we’re a small NGO and without these donations we wouldn’t be able to operate.”