Muzeiko is the largest children's scientific centre in the Eastern Europe that was opened in 2015 in Sofia. It is an investment of Foundation "America for Bulgaria" as the total cost of the project was $20 million. It spreads on 3 500 m2, as 2 000 m2 are dedicated to interactive games that aim at stimulating children's interest in science, engineering, ecology, communication, art and to encourage children to study.
The construction phase required a comprehensive reconstruction and extension of the existing building, transforming it into a modern interactive children's educational centre. The interesting part of the project are three small mountains - three complicated objects, two made of steel and one of concrete.
Fire requirements demanded fire protection of R60 thus 7.000 kg of fire protective spray PROMASPRAY®-P300 were used for the structural steel fire protection of the two newly erected domes - Red mountain and Brown mountain. Also approximately 200 kg of intumescent paint PROMAPAINT®-SC4 were applied on steel beams during the refurbishment of the existing building. Moreover the composite floors were also protected.
Lee H. Skolnick Architecture + Design Partnership Team and A&A Architects