Expert Area

Learn from our technical experts and researchers about the perfect way to build a Passive Fire Protection solution. Discover in-depth articles about fire safety engineering, our testing methods and innovative products that will change the way we build.

Mind the gap !
Mind the gap !
An overview of the complete Promat Fire Stopping product range Promat offers you a wide range of fully tested fire stopping products for every type of penetration. As building methods evolve rapidly and new building materials are introduced, we add new PROMASTOP® and PROMASEAL ® products to keep the fire compartment intact and the building fire safe. Download the brochure and discover the range of products we offer
PROMATECT-H® protects open air car park at Zurich airport
PROMATECT-H® protects open air car park at Zurich airport
When Zurich Airport decided to renovate its impressive open air car park, it looked for a future-proof solution to protect its steel load-bearing structure against fire. A protection with PROMATECT-H® boards was chosen to guarantee 30 years of structural fire safety.
Promat successfully tests a giant wall of PROMATECT®-100X
Promat successfully tests a giant wall of PROMATECT®-100X
Promat successfully tested one of the highest compartmentation walls in the world, built with PROMATECT®-100X boards. Our fire protection board was used to build a giant wall in one of the highest furnaces available in Europe.
News from Australia
News from Australia
The Sydney Metro have chosen Over Track Exhaust Ducts as opposed to concrete structures.
News from Poland
News from Poland
In 2016 the Tunnel team started to support colleagues in Poland during initial talks to supply PROMATECT® boards for a new tunnel South of Poland - Rabka Zdroj – situated 60km from Krakow - a part of S7 Expressway in direction to Zakopane (Polish biggest mountain resort town).
News from Poland
News from Poland
We are proud to collaborate in the realization of the construction of the Łagiewnicka Route, part of the Kraków inner southern bypass.
PROMATECT-H boards will survive earthquake and fire
PROMATECT-H boards will survive earthquake and fire
Promat has a mission to protect people and buildings against fire, whatever the cause. This is why we contributed to the unique EQUFIRE project to test if our PROMATECT-H board will maintain its fire protection capabilities after several severe earthquakes. The results were spectacular.
News from The Netherlands
News from The Netherlands
For the Michiel de Ruijtertunnel in Amsterdam Etex Building Performance - Promat supplies fire protection boards.
News from Asia
News from Asia
This tunnel is the longest underwater tunnel in China at 11km long under the Taihu lake with 550,000m2 of concrete to be protected.

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