Promat Reporter
Fire stopping made easy with our tool designed to streamline and manage all your fire stopping projects effortlessly.
Yes, you can use and keep using Promat Reporter for free. Just register on My Promat and get going. Do you need support? Just contact your local fire stopping expert.
This is a real time saver. Eliminate all those inspection visits to the construction site. No more time in traffic jams. The tool works fast and simplifies the work for everyone.
You take full control. You can select all the products you need, also products from other brands. You can work with or without floorplan.
All our solutions are 100% certified so you can rest assured that you will find the right solution. That’s Promat’s guarantee.
Do you need support to register or to set up your first project with Promat Reporter? No worries, just fill in the form and we will get back to you. We will make sure you can fully benefit from this innovative tool