Expert Area
Learn from our technical experts and researchers about the perfect way to build a Passive Fire Protection solution. Discover in-depth articles about fire safety engineering, our testing methods and innovative products that will change the way we build.

Promat helps to combat Covid-19
While the world is fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic, Promat helps where we can.

Promat successfully tests a giant wall of PROMATECT®-100X
Promat successfully tested one of the highest compartmentation walls in the world, built with PROMATECT®-100X boards. Our fire protection board was used to build a giant wall in one of the highest furnaces available in Europe.

PROMATECT-H boards will survive earthquake and fire
Promat has a mission to protect people and buildings against fire, whatever the cause. This is why we contributed to the unique EQUFIRE project to test if our PROMATECT-H board will maintain its fire protection capabilities after several severe earthquakes. The results were spectacular.