Promat Fire Stopping Handbook

Our new Fire Stopping handbook brings you an overview of all the systems and products designed to prevent fire from spreading through your buidlings. Discover our fully tested and certified product portfolio and discover inspiring solutions that will help you to design the safest fire stopping installation for your project.

Please enter your details to download the handbook for free.


" I can finally guarantee the quality of the installation on the job site "

" I can finally guarantee the quality of the installation on the job site "
" I can finally guarantee the quality of the installation on the job site "

“Once you give your design to the contractor or installer, you need to make sure the installation of the fire stopping products is done exactly the way it should be. The Promat experts offered me great digital tools to help the contractor to do a great job. They even offered training to the installer. The installers know what to do and I need to audit the works less frequently.”

Andreas, architect