Expert Area
Learn from our technical experts and researchers about the perfect way to build a Passive Fire Protection solution. Discover in-depth articles about fire safety engineering, our testing methods and innovative products that will change the way we build.

How hot is a fire? A quick guide to standard time-temperature curves
An introduction to fire curves in the confined space of a tunnel. Fire temperature can exceed 1000 ºC within three to five minutes and maximum up to 1350 ºC.

International fire curves – useful tool for designing fire safety
Everything you need to know about the specifics of the different types of fire that could occur. Learn how you can use their realistic fire time-temperature curves to design fire safety in buildings.

Fire testing: focus on systems rather than products
Learn why building fires are complex, scientific events, why no fire incident is ever the same, and why fire testing procedures should reflect this.

Fire resistance standards for testing of construction systems
A brief overview of the most important international fire resistance standards defining fire reaction in testing of construction systems.