We take 6 steps along the lifeycle of our products

We take 6 steps along the lifeycle of our products

Transparency is at the heart of our sustainability journey

Sustainability is key to Promat’s purpose of Advancing expertise to build a safe and sustainable world. Promat solutions can make a strong contribution to more sustainable construction and industrial industries, by working on circularity and decarbonization and across the lifecycle of our products.

At Promat, we are dedicated to playing a proactive role in a sustainable tomorrow. We not only enable sustainable energy and construction methods; we also work towards developing a more sustainable portfolio. As part of the Etex Group, we have the credentials and ClearChange is also about having a clear path towards our objectives for a more circular portfolio that contains less embodied carbon. We focus on 6 key areas to reduce our carbon footprint and help our customers to build sustainably.

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Product design

Product design
Product design
  • EPDs to have a sustainability perspective on the design of our portfolio
  • Designed to have easier repair and maintenance
  • Reducing the scope 3 of our customers, helping them to achieve their sustainability objectives


  • Investing in an aggressive decarbonisation programme of our thermal processes, ensuring lower embodied carbon by using significantly less energy
  • Using renewable energy as our source and also producing renewable energy at our plants
  • Developing new products that require less water and energy
  • Electrification of processes, from production to forklifts and everything in between

Delivery and assembly

Delivery and assembly
Delivery and assembly
  • Reduce the amount of plastic in our packaging
  • Increase the recycled content of our packaging materials
  • Make our packaging recyclable and re-usable at our customer end, taking seriously our extended producer responsibility
  • Take back packaging where possible (pallets, megacoils, timber boxes)
  • Workshop for ease of assembly and to limit waste and landfill of our customers
  • Adapting our logistics and supply chain with sustainability in mind, from warehouse to transporation methods
  • Optimise our deliveries and how we package to avoid emissions linked to transportation

Energy saving

Energy saving
Energy saving
  • Enable lower operating carbon of industrial and construction customers
  • Actively contribute to lower energy buildings requiring LEED and BREEAM certification
  • Support more sustainable building methods and sustainable energy segments that are key for a low carbon future

Built to last

Built to last
Built to last
  • Highly durable products, with long service life for our products
  • Products that are easy to repair and very easy maintenance
  • Long product life cycles
  • Products that make it easy when a building is being retrofitted and also for bringing a second life to old buildings and structures 

Re-use and recycling

Re-use and recycling
Re-use and recycling
  • Developing the recyclability of our products
  • Introducing more recycled content in our products
  • Re-using internal waste and working with partners to achieve our aim of zero landfill across our plants
  • Developing take-back solutions for customer scrap
  • Re-use of water in our processes
  • Water treatment facilities

Promat's commitment to CLEARCHANGE

Promat's commitment to CLEARCHANGE

Sustainability is key to our Purpose and the impact we have on the world, from enabling sustainable energy markets to developing more circular products. But to realise collective ambitions on sustainable construction and industrial markets, we must do more. That’s why we launched ClearChange, showing in a transparent way the steps we are taking towards a more sustainable portfolio across the lifecycle of our products. Giving access to the impact of our products to stakeholders, showing the steps we are taking and how customers, suppliers and other actors can partner with Promat. 

Discover how we are working towards a more sustainable portfolio. Contact us to collaborate on your sustainable project in the various industries where we operate.