Board for chimney application

PROMASIL®-950KS are lightweight calcium silicate boards designed specifically for insulating fireplace and chimneys walls. The material complies to EN 13229 and is approved to DIN 18892 and 18895 (approval n° Z-43.14-139). These boards can withstand peak temperatures of 950 °C.

Further Information


  • Fireplaces and chimneys;
  • Wall insulation;
  • Pipe insulation


  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Rigid and lightweight;
  • Excellent mechanical strength;
  • Clean and easy to handle and install

Please note
All physical and mechanical values are averages based on standard production and tested according to internal procedures. The typical values are given for guidance. The figures can change dependent on the test methods used. If a particular value is of prime importance for a specification, please consult Promat Technical Department.
