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Get started >>Promat DURASTEEL® has been used successfully across the construction industry for many years and is the preferred choice for specifiers and project managers across a number of key sectors.
Promat DURASTEEL® is the first choice fire protection product for an impressively wide range of structures for the commercial sector, including:
The damage to commercial premises, public services and the environment or life in the event of a fire can be huge and the consequences can be minimised using Promat DURASTEEL®.
Promat DURASTEEL® is a tested and proven solution suitable for use in walls, door, ducting and ceiling applications as well as stand-alone barriers.
Under fire conditions, compartmentation is maintained - essential in preserving the building and its contents, making it ideal for minimising the consequences of a major incident. Promat provides full project support from design to completion.
The need for safe and effective protection of personnel, plant, stores and property in the manufacturing and supply sectors is of vital importance in their construction and maintenance.
Promat DURASTEEL® is a proven solution for:
Promat DURASTEEL® will contain fire within compartments of a production area or storage facility, thus allowing for the safe evacuation of personnel, minimising disruption of processes and preventing the destruction of valuable stocks or equipment.
Warehouse and Factories
Promat DURASTEEL® fire barriers are the preferred choice for the protection from the devastating effects of fire in factories, warehouses and distribution facilities around the world.
Those responsible for the protection and safety of warehouse and factories use Promat DURASTEEL® due to its proven high specification performance which provides total confidence to ensure the protection of life and the products stored, in the event of a fire.
A warehouse or factory is considered a high-risk environment as they usually house a variety of combustible or valuable products and equipment. They also include many different types of electrical services. All these factors increase the potential of a fire starting and spreading quickly.
Promat DURASTEEL® products can withstand high levels of intense fire and can also stop heat transferring throughout the facility and causing even further damage. It allows for effective escape routes to be created and acts as a life support system for the building until emergency fire services arrive to fight the fire.
By using Promat DURASTEEL® damage is minimised - saving stock, rebuild costs, lives and giving businesses the ability to continue to service their customers’ needs.
Promat DURASTEEL® has a vital role to play in the safety of transportation terminals, systems and infrastructure throughout the world. It is ideally suited for:
It is equally as vital for the fire protection of brand new projects as it is for upgrade work projects.
For every airport operator, one key aspect of their mission statement is to provide for the highest standard of safety in civil aviation and airport operation.
Airports have millions of passengers pass through them every year and a huge amount of luggage and cargo. Safety and security in this kind of environment is paramount and Promat DURASTEEL® can be used in many areas of an airport to help protect people, buildings and information systems.
Typical areas where Promat DURASTEEL® systems can be used include; fire barriers in areas of non-public access in terminal buildings, linings to services tunnels and corridors, blast protection in luggage areas, internal transport systems such as connecting railway systems, workshops, ducts, plant rooms and transformer enclosures.
The range of Promat DURASTEEL® systems for airports are proven to meet or exceed the most rigorous British and International legislative requirements. It helps to ensure the safety of the passengers and staff in airports.
Rail and Metro
Promat DURASTEEL® is lightweight, robust and ideally suited to the external environment of all trackside, station and rolling stock fire protection requirements. It is also widely used in rail tunnels.
Promat DURASTEEL® has been installed in rail and metro facilities throughout the world - including London Underground approval - in order to provide rail and metro fire protection to ensure the safety of the passengers and staff and reduce the impact of loss of service in the event of a fire.
Road Tunnels
It is also widely used in road tunnels where fire could be a risk due to levels of petrol and oil present and power supply.
Promat provides full project support from design to completion.
Promat DURASTEEL® provides fire and blast solutions to the energy, power generation/distribution sectors including:
The consequence of something going wrong in these sectors could lead to a catastrophe. Promat DURASTEEL® has the flexibility and proven performance to provide the required effective and tested solutions.
Power Stations / Electrical Sub-stations
An electrical substation can be just a moment away from disaster due to the complicated processes that take place and the variety of combustible materials on site.
Transformers are a vital part of electrical distribution but are dangerous due to the quantity of oil they contain and their contact with high voltage elements. They can explode or catch fire without warning.
Commercial, industrial buildings and most large residential developments have substations with power distribution transformers installed either within the building or in close proximity. Many are critical energy networks and with the implications of a total power failure (for even a few seconds) to the banking, government, transport, defence, hospitals or business sectors, we can see how vital it is to install a system which maintains power supply, with little or no interruption.
Promat DURASTEEL® barriers are used to prevent catastrophic damage in the event of power transformer blasts and can also be installed between transformers, isolating the blast and minimising subsequent disruption.It can also be used to encase high voltage cables, compartment tunnels and provide fire-rated natural ventilation ducts or shafts.
Oil Rigs and Offshore Platforms
Its light weight and strength combine with its resistance to hydrocarbon fire, blast, impact, water and corrosion, making Promat DURASTEEL® the ideal choice for fire protection on offshore production platforms and in potentially hazardous land-based environments. A stainless steel option is able to counter engineers' corrosion concerns in offshore environments.
These environments pose very high risks and are governed by strict regulations to ensure the highest fire and blast protection possible is provided.
Promat DURASTEEL® increases the level of fire protection from blasts and fire on offshore working environments and helps to protect workers on these platforms from fire and blasts by giving them the time and means to escape in the event on an incident.