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Get started >>The perfect installation for perfect safety
You have selected the right Promat fire stopping product for your type of installation? Great. Now make sure you install it exactly as you should. It's easier than you think. Our Fire Stopping experts have madfe a video that shows you all the steps to get to the perfect result.
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Meet the expert
" Fire stopping is often seen as too complicated and too delicate to do. I want to convince installers that fire stopping is a great expertise that allows you to grow your business and offer customers a unique expertise. With the arrival of the Promat Selector and Promat Reporter app, the world of fire stopping becomes accessible for every installer. We got rid of the papaerwork and offer you a great tool to deliver a perfect installation."
Andras Szabo
Promat Fire Stopping expert
Would you like some tender support for an upcoming project?
Our experts are happy to study your project and offer you a full technical and financial fire stopping proposal to make sure you win the job and can deliver high-quality work.