3-step setup
Create building hierarchy, add products, invite installers
We are committed to respecting your privacy, the confidentiality of your information and competition law principles, we want to provide you with some important information before you begin using our application.
Firstly, we want to assure you that confidentiality will be respected at all times while using our platform. You can trust that any information shared on our platform will be kept strictly confidential. Any non-Etex product information that you may choose to upload cannot be accessed by Etex employees.
In using our platform, please always bear in mind competition law principles. You should never share any business sensitive information about Promat's competitors, such as price related information, marketing plans, customer lists, and any other sensitive information.
By registering for our platform, you agree to comply with all confidentiality and competition law principles. We take these matters seriously and appreciate your commitment to upholding them as well. Thank you for considering our platform, and we look forward to having you as a valued member of our community.