BIM Training & Resources

Promat can offer you online training, customised courses and one-to-one coaching to help you and your colleagues on your BIM journey.

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Training tailored to your needs

Training tailored to your needs

Training tailored to your needs

  • BIM training of one day, to find the solution best suited to the needs of the company,
  • Personalized support to respond effectively to calls for tenders and set up the best operational BIM organization
  • Provision of a selection of BIM objects pre-modeled and informed to measure (with a LOD 400 - Level of detail = level of geometric detail - and an LOI 500-Level of information = level of information) to enrich the digital model in the EXE or DOE phase of the most used works in various types of buildings (accommodation, hotel, hospital, etc.).

Further resources

Learn more about Promat's BIM tools, training and solutions.

BIM Solutions

BIM Solutions

BIM Solutions

Whether you are a beginner or an advance BIM user, Promat can offer a range of solutions.

Promat BIM objects

Promat BIM objects

Promat BIM objects

A library of useful objects delivered via the bimobject® platform.

Watch & Learn

Watch & Learn

Watch & Learn

View our full listing of online 'How to' videos.

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