Promat Apps

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Some important info for when you use the Promat Selector

Some important info for when you use the Promat Selector

Some important info for when you use the Promat Selector

  • The solutions for a flexible wall also cover the solutions for a rigid wall. If you do not find your solution for a rigid wall, please start again and select flexible wall

  • The lower compartment thickness also covers the higher compartment thickness. Example: a solution for a 100mm flexible wall will also cover a 150mm flexible wall

  • The higher fire rating also covers a lower fire rating. Example: EI160 also covers EI120

What our customers say

What our customers say

What our customers say

" It only takes me a few seconds to find the fire stopping product I need. I now am 100% sure that this is the right product for my project. This is important, as I only want to install the product that has the right certificate for my country."

David, installer

Promat Technischer Support

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60 Jahre Erfahrung

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