Our values

Our values show how we help you to protect people, buildings and assets against fire, while reducing our impact on the environment.


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Изглед от високо на 4-ма инжинери, надвесени над чертежи


  • We support you in every step of the building process
  • We put you, our customer, at the heart of our business
  • We want to connect with you whenever you need technical support or help.
  • We bring you guidelines and training to install our solutions easily and reliably.
  • We want to help you to grow their business and benefit from new technologies
  • We invite you to tell us how we can make our products and services better 
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Снимка на жена, преглеждаща документи


  • We develop new solutions for complete fire protection
  • We innovate & improve our products to guarantee they are best in class
  • We pioneer in the development of solutions for the new construction methods
  • We develop new services to help you to deliver a perfect job
  • We develop digital solutions and and BIM library to improve efficiency
  • We constantly look for more sustainable production methods to reduce our environmental impact.


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Passion for excellence

Снимка на поздравяващи се хора

Passion for excellence

  • We go the extra mile for the best in fire protection.
  • We offer you proven solutions and the highest quality product portfolio
  • We test our products more than is legally required
  • We simulate natural environments to offer you the widest range of test results
  • We work towards a zero-waste production process and a dramatic reduction of our impact on the environment.

Get to know us better

Learn more about the way we develop, design and produce innovative products and solutions, so you can protect what really matters.

Our History

Снимка на стари ръководства

Our History

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Our People

Снимка на инжинер, разглеждащ чертежи

Our People

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Our Expertise

Снимка на колба, в която има огън

Our Expertise

Meet our team of passive fire protection experts

Техническа поддръжка от Promat

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