Wood Lane Tube Station

Project details

Wood Lane Tube Station
Ian Ritchie Architects


Promat DURASTEEL®was specified for three separate contract packages on Wood Lane station. The development is a partnership between the Westfield property group and London Underground, whose land has been leased by Westfield.

Wood Lane is a state-of-the art development and required a robust fire protection system. DURASTEEL® was used to create a physical barrier to contain heat and the spread of smoke and fire. DURASTEEL® can withstand up to 6 hours exposure to fire, and while hot, will withstand spray from fire-fighters' hoses or sprinkler systems. DURASTEEL® is also renowned for its impact and blast resistance performance. Yet this exceptional performance is combined with lightness and durability.

For Ian Ritchie Architects, Promat DURASTEEL® was an easy choice for Wood Lane. "DURASTEEL® is the only product in its field with the reliability and durability for a transport environment. We've used it successfully on the Jubilee Line and Central Line and we have a very good relationship with Promat."

The fire performance of Promat DURASTEEL® made it a clear front runner for Wood Lane. “It seems to be the product everyone turns to in demanding environments. We knew from the DIMCO project that it would be the way forward” said James Wraight from contractor Towns-Wadey.

The Watford-based firm was one of three working with DURASTEEL® for Construction Manager Costain on Wood Lane. The installer was specialist sub-contractor and DURASTEEL® Installer Sharpfibre, who was able to work round the clock as protection to the running line was provided.

Towns-Wadey completed the fire protection package for the lift shafts and oversaw the installation of 350 square metres of double-skinned DURASTEEL® walls to the two lift shafts, providing one-hour fire protection. The four lifts are fixed through the DURASTEEL® to the steel structure, using DURASTEEL® clad brackets.

“DURASTEEL® does the job,” said James Wraight. “It’s approved, it’s great for fire integrity purposes and it’s a very versatile product. We’re happy with it, and the high calibre service from Promat.”